Working at the drawing board


I thought it might be interesting to post a few photos of my drawing board and me working at the drawing board.  I am what you call a “white knuckle” illustrator—always in a near panic when I’m working on the illustrations for a book.  I am NOT a relaxed illustrator.  Trust me, writing comes much more easily and more naturally to me.

Ollie at drawing board 2012

Daytime 4My temporary studio in the living room when I was working on the finished illustrations for Gemma & Gus and Gus.  Molly had just had leg surgery and could not go up and down the stairs. So, I moved my studio down to the living room and slept on the couch for six weeks while she recovered.

Daytime 7I work on a number of illustrations at the same time—this helps me keep the colours consistent.Daytime 8This photo shows a picture-in-progress.

One thought on “Working at the drawing board

  1. Michelle

    Thanks for sharing these drawings. We recently were introduced to Gossie and have been reading all about her and her friends to our 13 month old son. We are loving these books and your drawings are wonderful!


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